is a really good song I enjoyed it no problems with this at all. Kind of gave me a cult feeling though other then being stranded but good none the less.
is a really good song I enjoyed it no problems with this at all. Kind of gave me a cult feeling though other then being stranded but good none the less.
Thank you!
forgive me
I review as I listen so sometimes I jump I just 46 to 48 ish I think the notes are wrong that whole up part somethings off to me... I reviewed your never stop believing and noticed you completely lost that choppy piano feeling witch is good congrats to me sounds sort of weird done on a piano like this but I have to ask do you play this yourself or use a program if so I applaud you sir if not still really good job on this one not many suggestions though a creative thought for you have you ever thought of slowing it down maybe having in acoustic or some orchestral instrument play lead it would be like a 10 minute song slowed down but I have always wanted to hear someone try it but yet to
ether way good job
Thanks for your comment. For this song I did use a program for this song and all the others because I'm lazy.
It's Mario Paint Composer (or MPC for short)
And your suggestion are nice. It would be nice to hear it in orchestra.
all the notes are right you kinda skipped over stuff idk if thats suppose to be a horn but it dose not fit uhh the chores though when it goes strangers waiting the horn there sounds good you have a little piano opening not needed or could be worked on and last but not least and the thing that made me be so critical the whole song is very fast and the piano is kinda choppy the notes need to almost blend with eachother thats how you get the sound but I did like some of the horn sections you just got to pick and choose I think this would have been better if you kept changing the instrument like maybe a violin here then acoustic then horn then base have some fun switch it up
To tell you the truth, I had no idea of what I was doing or something.
Maybe I'll do a BETTER work on this. Cuz it's crappy. You're Right.
And I appreciate your comment.
this is good
I see this as a movie trailer song or some wrestler somewhere theme song I really enjoyed it
Haha nice, thanks man!
can still hear it
wow very deep song you can feel the intention witch is diffrent nice use of the special effects like thunder and I can still hear the intent of the hip hop in this but your right not hip hop better
Thank you very much my friend and I hope you read the little story behind it-
video game like
very video game like and catchy good job and good luck in collage
Thanks man!
it's not really a loop but it's good I would like to hear a longer version of this out of you nice and heavy is this done in fl by any chance?
Thanks for the kind comments.
I was considering making a full song out of it. I may give it a go when I get a chance.
definitively different and I love zelda so here I think this is a 4 but giving you a 5 to up your score as much as I can
The only problem I have with it is that it's to slow... maybe it's not that it just seems to be missing a fullness to it
thanks bro yh im not to happy with the tempo i wanted to boost it by 10 bpm or so
Joined on 12/21/08