i didnt go threw all 107 reviews but im pretty sure im just saying the same thing they are all saying amazing you sould be doing this for video games i would buy any game your music ws in just to sit there and listen to the music
i didnt go threw all 107 reviews but im pretty sure im just saying the same thing they are all saying amazing you sould be doing this for video games i would buy any game your music ws in just to sit there and listen to the music
i feel in love with this song so much that i started singing overtop of it and somehow stoped singing perfectly for the solo lol:P anyways great and i would actually like to record myself singing overtop of this if you are okay with this or are intrested please message me
I'd be delighted for you to sing over this! That would be really great!
what the hell this isent
wait a minute...... WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN!!!! this is epic i didnt reconiz it cause the intro witch was still awsome but ya it was great 10
yo yo yo link sup
this is epic im not normaly a rap fan ether but this made me chuckle a little and was epic all together great job
metal link bass zelda and drummin Gannon
thats what i pictured when i heard this but this is epic 10 10 10 10 10 i wonder how many reviews i can give you giving you a ten for this piece lol i really enjoyed this im a huge rock/metal fan so i enjoy when people take my nerdy little kid enjoyments and turn them epic amazing
Lol well I'm glad you liked it. I'm trying to make the final version really awesome but it's frigging hard, man.
decient but could be better
i have too start by saying people give out tens too much i dont think this is ten worthy because the tuning of the song is off i mean tbh being so low reminds me of banjo haha banjo tetris pretty funny i think if you added maybe a harder drumbeat and definitly a bass it would make it about 8 or 9 worthy then a ten for me would be to add a higher melody underneath the low stuff it would make this a lot cooler and man tbh the thing you said to cyborg kirby was off gaurd if you cant take critism dont post your music you have pontential just let people help oh and he was praising you too so i dont know why you said that well this for me is a 6.5/10 but i bumped it cause i cant give that rating
it is good i would say more of a FM feel then LP i know there both mike but FM is lighter sounding then LP
wow i get so inspired by this song just to start writing a adventure noval i am working on a lycan one atm so i cant but still im gong to download this and listen to it well i write its that good this music can be the theme of some of the all time great adventures and i wouldet complain
Wow, thank you, I'm happy that it inspires you
softly EPIC!
it was soice and soothing i dont write reviews often but i had to i know im a bad speller and i dont often use punctuation but even i can see this is a masterpiece so if anyone ele gives this less the perfect then you are stupitier then me
It's a journey into your own sad and happy moments of your past :) I know, sounds cheezy :P
soice, interesting word. Even though I don't know what it means. But soothing is right sir. I'm glad you liked it, oh and thanks for the review.
Joined on 12/21/08